[AUDIO] Stay Hungry break up: Against The Wall

Published by Dan SW

Swedish straight edge band Stay Hungry have broken up following six years together.

From the band:

Our farewell show this past weekend could not have been a better way to go. We played our first and last shows at Edge Day celebrations. We were a straight edge hardcore band from start to goal. When we started out, we had no idea if kids would connect to what we did. It turned out we would get more love and appreciation than we could have ever imagined.

In the end, we felt that hardcore should be about being alive, vibrant and active. We knew we’d never get around to doing new material, and thus it was time to close this chapter in our lives, one that will define us forever.

Our eternal gratitude goes out to those who gave us a shot and made it possible to get in the van: Johan Prenger at Reflections Records and the NTB guys; Daniel Green Menace and Dave Get This Right; Robert Refuse; Niclas No Decline; the Never Again guys; and last but not least every kind hearted person that set up a show or moshed. No one mentioned, definitely no one forgotten.

This has been an amazing trip.

“What I hold down continues in you”.

// Andy, Goran, Johan, Staffan and Erik

The band released records through SH Records, Green Menace Records, Get This Right Records, Reflections Records, and Law and Order Records. Their last release was a 7-inch, released in 2013. Listen to their 2010 full length Against The Wall below: