Loyd Coy of Talktostrangersempire seriously injured

Published by Dan SW


Loyd Coy of DIY cassette label and promotion company Talktostrangersempire has been seriously injured in an accident. The accident is rumored to have occurred during the staging of a Trans Siberian Orchestra concert.

Nicholas Holland’s Traitor has issued an update:

A good friend of our’s named Loyd Coy from Talktostrangersempire was severely injured last week in an accident, having one of his arms all but severed from his body. His arm has been reattached and he is doing well, but it will take months (or maybe years) of physical therapy before he is back to the way he was before the accident. Loyd has done so much for this band, including printing our merch, pressing and releasing our split with Barking Backwards, and booking us out of state. We decided that it’s time we give back to him.

As a thank you to him for all that he has done for us, we will soon be entering the studio to record a single that we will be posting on our Bandcamp for purchase. All the proceeds from those sales will be donated to help Loyd with his medical bills and whatever else he requires in this time of need. We will keep you all updated on the track and when it can be purchased once it is recorded.

No word yet if any formal fundraising events will be taking place. In the meantime, here’s that Traitor / Barking Backwards split: